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What to See and Do in Ottawa, Canada

Standing on the Ottawa River's south bank, the city is well known as the capital of Canada. The other side of the river features the province of Quebec, the largest French-speaking area in Canada.

Why Visit Ottawa?

Tourists flock to Ottawa for the countless attractions, friendly people, access to nature, and its famous clean air. Undoubtedly, the city boasts a wide range of restaurants, breweries, bars, and cafes. Visit the Kichesippi Beer Company, the Pub Italia, the Grand Pizzeria and Bar, and Zak's Diner to sample the multi-national cuisine on offer. Try a delicious cocktail or taste the local ales made by some of the many breweries located in this city. Most places have outdoor dining areas that are heated during the winter months to make the visit as pleasant as possible.

What to Do in Ottawa

If winter sports are a favorite, then try snowboarding, skating, and skiing, on a trip to the snowy slopes in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. Perhaps take in the historical sites such as the seven national museums, the Parliament Hill, or watch Canada's version of the Trooping of the Guard featuring red-coated soldiers wearing ceremonial bearskin, domed hats. Besides, if someone wants to do something more adventurous, then they can try out the paddle ships and cruise trips along the famous Rideau Canal, which is a world heritage Unesco site.


Ottawa is an all year round destination full of exciting things to do and see. Tourists are welcome in the summer or winter and can explore the various attractions or undertake numerous activities to their heart's content.